Wednesday, November 30, 2011

eLfCaPaDeS of 2011 Santa Says...

This morning the elves were back on Zack's little blue tree with a Contract from Santa on ways the kids could make the nice list before it's too late!

They each had to choose 3 duties to do around the house and sign their names.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

eLfCaPaDeS of 2011 Poor Elvin

The kids were a bit sad when they woke up yesterday and found that their Elves were gone, they left a note saying they heard about Elvin and were going up to the Northpole to spend a few days with him in the hospital

They arrived back here this morning

They told the kids that they were very sad that they were on the naughty list right now and that Santa wasn't sure if the elves should come back, they had to go to Elf Court and got to come back for 10 days and in those 10 days the Elves have to help the kids get on the nice list!!

They also brought a note from Elvin and a picture of him in the hospital.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

eLfCaPaDeS of 2011 all wrapped up in...

Can you believe it is already the end of November and we STILL don't have snow?

The kids woke up this morning to find that Elvin had tried to decorate with
snowflake garland, but he had a bit of a mis-hap and ended up in a tangled mess
on the ceiling fan!!

While getting the cabin cleaned up before we headed home, PD & L were trying to get on the naughty list I guess, because they were fighting over Elvin, and pulled his poor leg off....
When they came out of time out he was gone with out so much as a note :(

When we arrived back home, L was excited to see that Skeeter, Trixie and Elvin's little brother Marley, had gotten out Zack's blue tree and decorated it!

Friday, November 25, 2011

eLfCaPaDeS of 2011 Happy Birthday Preston

PD asked for Santa to send Elvin again for his birthday this year,
and sure enough, the morning of November 25th,
Elvin arrived at our cabin ready to kick off this holiday season elf style!